


Via Marsala, 6
20121 Milano

Legal info

P.Iva 09727180961
REA 2110025
One Factory S.r.l.

Human Ware



Industry: Med-tech

Via Garofani, 1 Pisa

Goals reached

o 7 Patents & 7 foreign distributors
(4UE + 3 Asia)

€600K Revenues
(forecast 2022)

Stage: SEED

Humanware, is a spin-off company of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, which was set up in 1995 to improve people’s quality of life through robotic medical devices that take care of the upper limb in all phases of rehabilitation.

Composed of researchers and engineers with many years of experience in the fields of Robotics, Mechatronics and Virtual Reality, Humanware designs and develops medical devices and robots for neuromotor and cognitive rehabilitation, capable of helping individuals who have suffered a stroke, head injury, or undergone surgery, to achieve important motor recovery goals.

R&D for the human well-being

Every day, the “Research & Development” department conceives original, wearable, interactive, and motivating medical devices for patients, while providing them an objective measurement of performance. This enables faster and more effective accomplishments while maintaining the best possible functional levels.

Latest News

Humanware has recently developed a new exoskeleton device for hand rehabilitation that can support the opening and closing of fingers with haptic interaction, and that assists in case of need by exercising a high force that can be applied on each finger.

One Factory supports Humanware
inoptimizing its business model and carrying out the preparatory analysis needed to scour the capital necessary for developing new devices, strengthening the Italian market and growing on an international scale.

One Factory supports Humanware in optimizing its business model and carrying out the preparatory analysis needed to scour the capital necessary for developing new devices, strengthening the Italian market, and growing on an international scale.